Learn Hebrew in the Negev!
March 22, 2021 King Soopers Massacre:
Letter of Condolences and Solidarity from our Sister City
November 8, 2022 - Eron Doron, Mayor of Ramat HaNegev, Israel will speak in Boulder
Register Here
May 12, 2021:
Mayor Doron's letter regarding recent attacks from Gaza
From The Desk of Eron Doron, Mayor of Ramat HaNegev
Special Needs School, Infrastructure, Sustainability
September 2023
October 2023:
Mayor Doron regarding recent attacks from Gaza
Nov 2 Update from Mayor Doron
December 24 Update from Mayor Doron
Help Bring an October 7 Survivor Family to Boulder - Hug For Hope's Healing Journey
How to provide emergency support! (Negev Foundation)

Run For Their Lives!
Join us for a weekly run/walk until the hostages are free!
Sign up here
Boulder, Colorado and Ramat HaNegev Sister Cities
We mourn the loss of Staff Sgt. Roei Saragosti, 20, from Ramat Hanegev Regional Council in the war with Hamas.
May his memory be a blessing.

Bouder, Colorado and Ramat HaNegev, Israel Sister Cities

Colorado's Rocky Mountains Meet the Israeli Desert

Preserving the environment ​and natural beauty

Accelerating educational and research opportunities

Building community through outdoor recreation

Advancing multiculturalism ​

Exploring commonalities and future exchanges

Our Mission

Encourage educational, scientific, technical, environmental, recreational, and cultural exchanges

Create platforms for mutual understanding and creative problem solving

Build meaningful connections and long-lasting relationships

What is a Sister City ​Partnership?

Long-term partnership between two communities in two countries

Promotes peace through people-to-people relationships

Offers programs ranging from cultural exchanges to share research & development

About Ramat ​​HaNegev

  • Located in the Negev desert in southern Israel
  • Encompasses 22% of Israel's land mass
  • Governed by Ramat HaNegev Regional Council
  • Population less than 10,000
  • Diverse population: Jews from the Middle East, Asia, Europe, Africa and the Americas; Bedouin tribes
  • Residents live in Kibbutzim, Moshavim and small farming communities

Unique Features

  • Advancement of innovative desert agrotechnology
  • Cutting-edge water management processes
  • Bedouin integration into local community
  • Showcase Ben Gurion's vision for settling in the Negev ​

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